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About GPE

About our Family!

The Start

On 25.05.2020 we founded our VTC called GPE. Completely inexperienced, we started with searching a Paintjob, creating VTC rules and the first things of a real VTC. After a very short time, we already met the first members and got the first Support from them.


We grew quickly, with experience and in the family. At that time, we were mainly known as active drivers on the C-D route, which is still popular today. It was an absolutely beautiful experience, even if it was a crazy start. We met loads of amazing people, which also made us think further.


This then brought us to our second paint job.

Our first ever Paint Job, with it our start!


White, Yellow or better golden and that was everything. That was the start of the VTC, golden and perfect as we planned it.


New Paintjob? New opportunities?

With a new paint job, we then set off again on another journey, but sadly a very short one. The trucks looked magnificent, which was what we wanted, but at this time our Co-Founder left us, which took our breath a little.


But that wasn't stopping us, better said, it was the perfect boost. This led us to change the livery again, to finish with the past, the VTC went uphill.


It Would Be Good For A New Start!

We then started to attend our first events, created our own private convoys and got familiar with global VTC's. Everything looked great, our drivers were happy and many people wanted to join us, which at the end stressed out the Management. After a long story, our Management then concluded that it would be better, to close our half global VTC before having a bad VTC and stressed out Management. That was then the end and we had to close our VTC.  


GPE's - End


Now it's time for the future!

We are back!!

HandOfClash now reopens together with the centurion., Matt, Flynn, Fox7y and Simulation Gaming the Family to pursue these goals as a team and thus as a family which the VTC itself had before. A family which is active, friendly and experienced while exploring the roads of ETS and ATS.


Golden Phoenix Express


Ready for take-off

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GPE and its Family gets even more golden!

With a few changes in the management team, around 50 drivers as well as 800 Discord members after three quarters of a year, GPE finally gets a freshly new and good looking design. White and gold was in the past!- our dark mode is finally activated! Together with HandOfClash, Fox7y, Vicc, FastTV, Benji and The Jake we are looking forward to improve the VTC and ourselfs and are happily welcoming new people to our team

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Our own custom Drivers-Hub


Us attending daily convoys


Our own weekly convoys


A family and together one

We are looking forward to the future

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